New Chair Ted Haraldson appears to be brighter than the last one (which isn’t saying much) and actually seems to know meeting procedure.  He’s going to have to get Mr. Knowitall in control as he was shooting off his mouth again tonight before being recognized by the Chair.  The previous Chair also doesn’t get it that he’s just a trustee and shouldn’t try to horn in on the decisions made by the new Chair.  He and Loxam are having their own discussion while the meeting is going on.

These guys are trying to pull a fast one and brought forward alternative facts from the Dec. 13, 2017 COW meeting.  It appears there may have been a meeting or meetings without 2 Trustees being advised.  Wonder if it was those ‘Executive meetings’ Jacques admitted to having – funny, Trustees Kaljur and Elliott were never advised of any ‘Executive meetings’.  I guess that’s where the municipality idea was hatched.  Now they’re trying to cover their tracks.  Trying to pass it off as an error while conveniently ignoring the fact the “municipality” was never mentioned until the Jan. 2018 meeting.  Where did it come from?

You will note the new Chair agrees he should listen to the audio recording of the Dec. 13, 2017 COW meeting – any bets that it’s been erased?

NOTE:  this is audio only.  There will not be any video as UBID decided not to video record.